I would highly appreciate if anybody can help: I have an installation in my house using Visual COntroller/Viewer HW6.1. Now the old laptop died and I cannot log into the controllers with my new PC as I do not know what password the person who did the installations used. Fortunately I have back-up copies of the .vis files and I can open and view them with the current LK IHC 2.7 Control tools package. I have bought new controllers (as spaceports) with HW6.2 and I could like to switch the old controllers to these (giving me also support for iOS11 app). PROBLEM: The LK IHC 2.8 tools package (for HW6.2) does not recognise these .vis Config files to be valid for uploading to HW6.2 controllers. HOW TO SOLVE THIS? I would absolutely not want to rewrite all configurations manually...