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Alt der er opslået af Lars1354922223

  1. Hello,some one that knows if there is a memory address in the controller for randomizing a timer. For example the memory address to get the system time is stored in: _0x950d Maybe there is some kind of randomize timer function somewhere in the controller stored on some address that can be accessed by editing the project file with notepad and changing the values.
  2. this panel works with IHChttp://store.qkits.com/moreinfo.cfm/K8045
  3. The same file but in zip-format. [file name=Magneticvalve_eng.zip size=6427]http://www.ihc-user.dk/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/files/Magneticvalve_eng.zip[/file] Magneticvalve_eng.zip
  4. Here is a block you can use to control the Magnetic valve. The block partly translated to English. [file name=Magneticvalve_eng.vis size=74677]http://www.ihc-user.dk/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/files/Magneticvalve_eng.vis[/file] Magneticvalve_eng.vis
  5. Lars1354922223

    Try IHC-Viewer

    Here you can try the swedish IHC-Viewer modual. It is a democase with webcam. The controller is IHC-Win 2.http://www.intelligenthouse.se/huvudsida/ihc/viewer/tryviewer.php
  6. Is it not possible to simulate the RS232 communication by sending pulses? I have developed some programming for that, the program is in Swedish but I add the file here anyway. My program however does not seem to work for this purpose, I have tried it with no success.. [file name=rs232.vis size=150312]http://www.ihc-user.dk/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/files/rs232.vis[/file] rs232.vis
  7. Lars1354922223


    Hello,I cannot type Danish so therefore I type in English.I got an idea, I do not know if it is possible. If I take an output module 24 volt and connect one output on that module to a data input on another output module 24. Is it possible to use that single output on the first module to trigger the second module 1-8? Sending the bit 1-8 with the first module, there must me some kind of special programming to do this, but if it is possible then it can go over the 128 limit. This would be ideal for signal lamps, and then you can have 8 – 24 volt signal lamps and only one output on the module to control them. /Lars Sjöström
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