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Hello, I want to control a blind from two different places. But then, how to be sure that the "blind state" is updated correctly from one of the function block so the other can know the correct state? Thanks
Hello, Do anyone have a modified FB so with a single/short press the blind is lowered / raised and without taking account the "blind state" ? Tak
I've found this video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sK7xQ6a6F9Q and I can understand a bit how to program the blinds (persienne) but I don't understand what's the difference between group pushbutton raise (gruppebetjenningstryk) and local pushbutton raise (lokalbetjenningstryk). What is the right option to control a blind? And I see in the description that with a long press (>1sec) the blind is raised or lowererd, but with a short press the blind is "adjusted". Which is the meaning for "adjusted"? Anyone can help me? Tak
Hello, I have motorized blinds (with stop control) that I want to program. My system is 6.2 with fw 2.7.220 and I'm using IHC Visual 2.7. Until now I was only using Generic inputs and Generic outputs with the function block (1.1.01. Toggle block with ON/OFF and timer function) so with an input I was "toggling" a switch. But now I want to be sure that when I press up or down I force switch off the opposite direction, to be sure that the up and down are never switched on at the same time. I was checking the function block 3.01 for blinds control but I'm not sure how to use it as it can be programmed with alarms, sensors... and I only want manual control, for the moment. Do you have any example I can follow? Thanks!
I tried both with and without the auto_setup. For me was confusing not to see the switches in the UI and I thought that only devices could be added automatically to the UI. But I reinstalled home assistant and now, the switch is added automatically to the UI even being an entity.
Hello, I’m trying to integrate hassio with IHC. I’m configuring everything as switches in configuration.yaml but in HA the siwtch is recognized as an “Entity” and a can’t configure it from UI, and can’t be used as a device in automations. This is the message I see in the “Entity” This entity does not have a unique ID, therefore its settings cannot be managed from the UI. I can switch on/of as an entity but is weird as I need to go to entities then look for the swith and then click in the upper right config icon in the entity so I can switch on/off. Is there anything else to configure? Regards
Done! I was using another input lane... Now is working.
Any hint to create a quick "installation"? I created a product input on the left (push button 1 key) (the configure output is disabled). Then a product output (generic). Finally, I created a function block (toggle block with on/off and timer functions) I "dragged" the "PB" from the left to the "Toggle" on the right, and the "Output" from the left to the "Output for light" on the right. I've sent the project to the IHC controller but nothing happens... (I have the IHC Visual Controller with an input and output module, and a bulb connected to the output module). And I have a IHC v1 at home so I know how to connect everything...
where are those data files ? I don't see any file that could countain the application literals.
What if you try to connect through USB? ( http://usb ) allowing that domain in java properties? Do you see the "sprog" option to change language? ( from danish to english). If so, you'll need to restart the application.
Connected ! FW: 2.7.220 Hard: 6.2 ... and in Egnlish! After more than 15 years with SimonVIS (the spanish version of IHC Controller 1.0) I will be able to connect my system to the "world", e.g. with Hassio
Thanks a lot for the IHC Visual, i have it !!
btw, I've sent a private message to you with the email address you can send the IHC Visual to
Yes, please, it would be great! how do you check the FW version?