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StefanTP's Achievements

  1. Hej Claus Er det stadig muligt at få en nøgle? Sendte dig en besked i går, men kan se at du tidligere har døjet med en fuld indbakke, så skriver lige her også. Kunne godt tænke mig at teste det af som et alternativ til Openhab? Stefan
  2. Hej Er der nogen der har erfaring med brug af proxy læser som alternativ til LKs kodetastatur?
  3. Yes, i'm using the same config file on both windows and the raspberry. On windows it works, but on the raspberry it dosen't. The ssh certificate that i imported into the keystore on the raspberry is the same file as i used on the pc. Can that be the problem? That the was exported from a browser in windows, and copied on to the raspberry?
  4. Hi Kim can you give a short guide to how you got i to work on the Raspberry? The sonos binding works fine for me, but i can't get the ihc binding to work. The ihc binding also works fine on my windows pc, but when i try to start it on the raspberry, i just get the following: pi@raspberrypi ~/openhab $ sudo ./start.shLaunching the openHAB runtime...osgi> 00:09:50.841 INFO o.o.c.internal.CoreActivator[:92] - openHAB runtime has been started (v1.3.1).00:10:26.588 INFO o.o.m.c.i.ModelRepositoryImpl[:99] - Loading model 'test.items'00:10:35.225 INFO o.o.i.s.i.DiscoveryServiceImpl[:92] - mDNS service has been started00:10:42.865 INFO o.o.m.c.i.ModelRepositoryImpl[:99] - Loading model 'test.sitemap'00:10:57.579 INFO o.o.i.r.i.RESTApplication[:158] - Started REST API at /rest00:11:03.592 INFO o.o.u.w.i.s.WebAppServlet[:99] - Started Classic UI at /openhab.app00:11:18.138 INFO o.o.b.i.internal.IhcConnection[:139] - Connecting to IHC / ELKO LS controller [iP=' Username='admin' Password='pass].00:11:23.928 ERROR o.o.b.i.internal.IhcConnection[:188] - Connection to IHC / ELKO LS controller failed.javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Remote host closed connection during handshake at sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.readRecord(SSLSocketImpl.java:973)Caused by: java.io.EOFException: SSL peer shut down incorrectly at sun.security.ssl.InputRecord.read(InputRecord.java:505)00:11:24.032 INFO o.o.c.s.AbstractActiveService[:189] - IHC / ELKO LS refresh and notification listener service has been started00:12:02.482 INFO o.o.i.r.i.RESTApplication[:174] - Stopped REST API00:12:06.826 INFO o.o.u.w.i.s.WebAppServlet[:110] - Stopped Classic UI Any idea of what could be wrong? Thanks Stefan
  5. Anybody how had any luck installing it on a Raspberry PI? It is working fine on my Windows pc, but i can't get it to work with the IHC binding on my Raspberry. (It works fine with sonos binding)
  6. Halløj Har fået en Raspberry pi hvor jeg har forsøgt at lægge nogle af Mikkels tidligere projekter ud, man kan bare ikke få det til at fungere. Har nu i et stykke tid haft det til at fungere på min Qnap nas uden problemer. Har forsøgt mig med at køre ihctest_2011-01-21 på RPI, men den går i stå ved "login på controller" Er der en af jer andre der har det til at virke på en RPI som måske kan hjælpe mig med hvordan i fik det til at fungere?
  7. Tak for et fantastisk stykke arbejde. Glæder mig til at se din Sonos løsning, fantastisk idé med at køre sonos med på sluk alt, samt muligheden for at tænde for P3 i badeværelset :-) Når man ikke selv aner en brik omkring programmering, må man bare nyde at der er andre der vil dele ud af deres arbejde.
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