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  1. Got it working now, there where some hidden characters, thanks and sorry the hazzle
  2. 2019-04-14 22:25:44.635 [WARN ] [el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Configuration model 'ihc.items' has errors, therefore ignoring it: [1,7]: extraneous input ' ' expecting RULE_ID [1,176]: extraneous input ' ' expecting EOF
  3. Ihc.things ihc:controller:elko [ hostname="", username="admin", password="kode", timeout=5009, loadProjectFile=true, createChannelsAutomatically=false ] { Channels: Type number : ihc_2935316 "My Test temp" [ resourceId=2935316, direction="WriteOnly" ] } Ihc.items Number test_ihc "Test temperatur" (Temperatur) { channel="zwave:device:167941bc836:node21:sensor_temperature", channel="ihc:control ler:elko:ihc_2935316" [profile="follow"] } skulle den så ikke virker ? Eller er mine øjne helt blanke
  4. it seams that i only can use "swicth" command i tryed to use contact, number and string. and tryed it from openhab console client
  5. Yes that is What i have fugt/temp sensor no added input just a empty input
  6. it dosent change anything. the simple setup works fine in the old binding, so i dont get that i need to make a rule or profile follow now. the easy was just linking them
  7. like this, it dosent help Number drivhus_sensor_ihctemp (drivhus) { channel="ihc:controller:elko:drivhus_ihctemp" [profile="follow", profile- parameterID="zwave_device_167941bc836_node21_sensor_temperature" ] }
  8. yes sorry for the misspelling. and yes it is just a virtual ihc sensor on a empty input but it still dosent work, when i look in habmin, the ihc channel is updated 16,7 , but when i check in service view it says 0
  9. and my old item file was like this with ihc 1 binding, different item names Number drivhus_sensor_temp (drivhus) {ihc=">0x2cca14"} Number drivhus_sensor_lys (drivhus) {ihc=">0x30fb5a"} Number drivhus_sensor_uv (drivhus) Number drivhus_sensor_humidity (drivhus) {ihc=">0x2cc927"} Switch drivhus_sensor_pir (drivhus) {ihc=">0x30f45a"}
  10. i have tried this with no luck and then these items Number drivhus_sensor_ihctemp (drivhus) { channel="ihc:controller:elko:divhus_ihctemp" } Number drivhus_sensor_ihchumid (drivhus) { channel="ihc:controller:elko:divhus_ihchumid" } Number drivhus_sensor_ihclux (drivhus) { channel="ihc:controller:elko:divhus_ihclux" } Switch drivhus_sensor_ihcpir (drivhus) { channel="ihc:controller:elko:divhus_ihcpir" }
  11. dunno why my last post got posted again sorry.. but now have trouble with updating data to ihc controller. eks. on the photo i have zwave sensor that i like to be updated to ihc, it was no problem in old binding, seams to give trouble, i have tryed also to only use .things file same thing is does not replicate.
  12. With the leatest update can i then remove the old openhab 1 binding ?
  13. With the leatest update can i then remove the old openhab 1 binding ?
  14. Hvordan kan jeg fikse det ? jeg starter jo med at hente projektet fra controlleren, som fungere. Når jeg så vil sende det retur bliver den sur
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