Pauli Anttila
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Of course you can do it by rules easily in openHAB, but I referred to profiles, which idea is to reduce the simple rule writing. That IHC binding specific profile is already pretty complex, but if all use cases are introduced, it would be really difficult to configure.
No. It's rather difficult to support all use cases by one button.
@Kandersen, which ihc binding version you are using (date). I introduced “pushbutton-to-command” profile 14. December, so you need to have version where timestamp is later.
@veng, could you run with apache http debugs? Library logging has been improved since the library version which I used before. We should hopefully see what is the timeout used by the library. Please enable IHC binding logging level to trace as well.
@Gert Kjerslev, @veng, @Nicki Z. I updated apache http client. Could one of you run ones again following version with default 5000ms timeout (with IHC binding trace level debugs)? If you still meet timeout problem, please enable http client debugs by following command from karaf console and run test again. log:set DEBUG org.apache.http You can disable http client debugs by log:set DEFAULT org.apache.http Please, send me the log as well.
Profiles are introduced in openHAB v2.4, so they are rather new concept.
@Kandersen, profiles are generic features, so they are not IHC binding specific. IHC binding also provides binding specific profiles which can be used only whit IHC binding channels (those are descriped in IHC binding documentation). Generic profiles are described here
@LarsC, openHAB 2 bindings only handles commands, so item updates are not processed by the bindings: 1. Bindings updates channels which are linked to the items 2. Bindings process commands which are send to items which are linked binding channels. Because MQTT binding updates item state, state isn't send to IHC controller. From Paper UI, you send commands as you want to change the state, therefore command is send to the IHC controller. Follow profile or rules can be used to handle this situation.
I wrote following in page 2
From PaperUI (add channel manually) Contact example in thing file: Type contact-channel : myContact "My Contact" [ resourceId=3988827, inverted=true ] Did you read the documentation? I'm just wondering if the documentation isn't clear enough?
@veng and @Nicki Z., I'm using Apache http client library to communicate to the IHC controller. Some reason in windows platform, timeout doesn't work like library API defines, so I guess it's a bug on library side. On Mac (OS X) and Linux it works correctly.
That's a openHAB (more specifically in Eclipse SmartHome) framework limitation/issue. Same applies to all bindings (things id's or channel id's). Most probably special character aren't supported, but then e.g. PaperUI or Visual Code Studio via Language Server Protocol service in openHAB should give a warning. You could create issue on eclipse SmartHome about this.
@Nicki Z., which OS you are running the openHAB? Windows?
@veng, could test also with higher timeout (e.g. 15000ms) and send trace level logs?
@veng, that's great. Even it now works, could you rerun following version in your environment with default 5000ms timeout. I improved the logging and I like to see why timeout occurs before 5000ms in your environment.
@veng, you seems that have some kind of openhab cache problem as you already have ihc binding installed. org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: org.openhab.binding.ihc [223] Another singleton bundle selected: osgi.identity; type="osgi.bundle"; version:Version=""; osgi.identity="org.openhab.binding.ihc"; singleton:="true" You should stop openhab and clear caches. Not sure how to do that on windows environment, but I guess there is cache and tmp folder somewhere. You can also search from openHAB forum how to clear caches in windows environment.
@veng, it pretty impossible to help or comment without logs. Could you enable trace level logs? Could you also post your IHC related items and thing file?
@candstand, Could you try this version Production date variable data type has been changed from dateTime to String in v3 software. I tried to fix that. Could you still keep trace level logs and send them to me as I very interested to see if there are any other changes.
Well, I don't need the log configuration file but the logs itself You should see now lot of logging from the binding (openhab.log) at least when you restart the openHAB or the IHC binding. Binding can be restarted from the karaf console by command bundle:restart org.openhab.binding.ihc Beware that in TRACE level, all SOAP message contents are printed as well, so your IHC controller password will be in the log in plain text format, so removed it from the log before send to me or posted the here on the forum. You can later on disable trace level logging by command: log:set DEFAULT org.openhab.binding.ihc
@candstand, problem seems to be that your controller doesn't send dateTime XML data type in system info data structure, but value '2017/34 '. Which most probably is the year plus week number. Not sure if data structure on v3 controller has been changed. Could you enable trace level log to IHC binging and send them to me? It's easier to do from Karaf console by command log:set TRACE org.openhab.binding.ihc See more details from and
I made some clean up and minor improvements to the binding. Reason why time was not correct was that controller claimed that time is in UTC format in system info data structure but it was not. Now binding ask the time via time manager service, so hopefully it's now correct. Controller time and uptime is not updated automatically. Controller doesn't publish changes and I don't want to poll them, but you can refresh data by rules. Example by every minute rule "Refresh controller time" when Time cron "0 * * * * ?" then controllerTime.sendCommand("REFRESH") end If you and others could test following version and state is every thing work as should.
Damn, I made same mistake again
new version Last test today
For me it works fine...I need logs
Stupid mistakes with controller information channels. Hopefully this version works better?