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Alt der er opslået af Togi

  1. Togi

    Valg av relè til varmkabel

    Hei, Jeg har ett hus prosjekt og i den forbindelse har foregår det meste av oppvarming med varmekabel. Har da installert 16stk varmkabler i huset. Lurte bare på hvilken type relè å velge til vamekabler som skal styres av IHC styrestystem.? IHC output 400 BISTABILT eller IHC output modul 400V? Eller andre forslag? Mvh Togi
  2. Togi

    OpenHAB binding

    Thanks for your respond Pali. I have used to restart Openhab, when the problem occurs. But I checked my firmware on the controller itself, and it is not updated to the last one. So I will do this tonight. Anyhow my Rapsberry chrashed yesterday, so I will need to setup a new Raspberry before I am able to check if that help. I have no items with specific polling intervals. I might add this aswell and see if it can help. Thanks and regards, Togi
  3. Togi

    OpenHAB binding

    All, I have OpenHAB running on a Raspberry PI controlling my IHC. I have just one issue, I would like to know if anyone else have had. Sometimes the Pi just stops getting information from the IHC. In example temperature and status does not update. It still works to send commands to on/off switches, but it does'nt seem to receive any feedback? This happen occasionaly. Sometimes just after a few hours when I start openhab, or sometimes it can run smootly for weeks with no failure or what so ever. I have tried to reproduce this, but I am no expert in this and have not managed to do so yet... I am attaching a screens shot from my phone on what the running screen on OpenHAB says when its not working... Anyone had the same problem or knows how to solve it... Thanks and regards, Togi
  4. Togi

    OpenHAB binding

    Please see picture on how I imported the certificate to the keystore. Note that while I wrote the command I was "standing" in the "C:\Program files\Java\jre7\bin" By the way OpenHAB has been working great for me as well. Had a few issues in the start but have been running smoothly for months now. Great thanks to Pauli for his contribution with the binding.
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