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Timo R

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Alt der er opslået af Timo R

  1. Controller 2.6.1 tilted fully after I upload wirmfare 2.7.220 instead older more suitable one. Now I only get connection with firmware downloader. When starting upload server tilt message appears like in picture. Many thanks in advance
  2. Can't get factory reset firmware uploaded with earlier used firmware loader. So, seems that different firmware doesn't help. Haven't yet found other version of firmware loader.
  3. I tried with the same previous loader and older firmware without luck. Dont have older loader, but that could work. Any hint where to get? Everything seems to be on Danish pages and makes even more hard. That factory reset tool sounds good! I try it later today. thanks already
  4. After long time I finally got USB connection to my controller. Read somewhere that up to date firmware would relief some of the java / usb connection problems. However, the firmware upload crashed at the very end and now the controller doesn't reply to anything. I get it usb connected to firmware loader, but when up load is about to start, pops message that internal failure. And now I'm fully stuck. Any advice?
  5. I just tried the same advice that Bjarne send earlier the year. The new firmware start to up load well, but at the end an error occur. Now the controller isn't working at all. And not accepting to up load any firmer. Any advice here?
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