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Infernoken's Achievements
The title says it all... I have a brand new IHC Visual 3 controller that I just pulled from the package. (Bought this some time ago, but finally decided it's time to upgrade my Visual 2 HW6.1 controller. I'm trying to update the firmware to the latest 03.03.33 version, but I'm getting "Failed - Internal error occured on server" Any help? Tools and FW come from the belgium site, as I need english: https://www.se.com/be/nl/faqs/FAQ000123465/ EDIT: NEVERMIND! Using the latest SW from the LK website I was able to update to 03.03.44 Found it here: https://www.lk.dk/mitlk/download-ihc-software/ihc-controller-visual-3/ It even still works with my english IHC Visual, so all is well... Other question: I just found the IHC Visual controllers are now really End Of Life ??? So big problem if I still have a component failing in my system????
Voice control with IHC and OpenHAB - first steps
question svarede på Infernoken's Infernoken i OpenHAB
Thanks again for the input, but the dual behavior remains... UPDATE: got it working! 2nd UPDATE: Still buggy... Looks like the Item VoiceCommand received command or Item VoiceCommand received update Just trigger the two commands in one go... So still have problems with double commands required... Need to further debug... I created a home.items & home.rules file with the following commands: home.items: String VoiceCommand home.rules: import org.openhab.model.script.actions.* import org.openhab.core.library.types.* import java.util.* rule "VoiceControl_Test" when Item VoiceCommand received command or Item VoiceCommand received update then var String command = VoiceCommand.state.toString.toLowerCase if (command.contains("bureau aan")) { IHCELKOController_BureauN3BureauLamprelaisAanUit.sendCommand(ON) } if (command.contains("bureau uit")) { IHCELKOController_BureauN3BureauLamprelaisAanUit.sendCommand(OFF) } end -
Voice control with IHC and OpenHAB - first steps
question svarede på Infernoken's Infernoken i OpenHAB
Thanks, got a first implementation working...! Voice commands are received and then interpreted correctly to switch on the light and then switch off again. But there is some strange behavior: First voice command is directly and correctly executed. Second and further commands require me to say the commands two times before it actually switches the lights... If I look into the log, there is some strange behavior with 'predicted state' where it does receive the command, but it does not execute ??? Need to dig into this... Any idea ??? -
Voice control with IHC and OpenHAB - first steps
question svarede på Infernoken's Infernoken i OpenHAB
Thanks... Really my first steps in OpenHAB... Where do I create the String... So this is under items? Will try this evening... -
Infernoken reacted to et svar på et spørgsmål: Voice control with IHC and OpenHAB - first steps
Hello, I'm trying my first steps with OpenHAB and have succesfully connected my IHC Visual2 controller (HW6.1 FW2.7.199) to OpenHAB. I'm now able to control my lights and such from OpenHAB. Now I'm trying if I can control some lights though voice and have read multiple forums, but cannot find a way to start... Example: I installed openHAB on my Android phone and this is connecting to my openHAB system. I can control the lights from my phone... There also is an option in this app to send a voice command. So I can send like: "bureau on"... I see the command is received in the log, but have no idea how to interprete the command and link it to the bureau light. Any help please? Don't know if the Android app of OpenHAB is the way to go or if this is a complete waste of time??? Some pointers / references would be appreciated
Visual 2 HW6.1 integration with HomeAssistant
question svarede på Infernoken's Infernoken i Home Assistant
Thanks for your reply... Just found the issue... Was the non-standard ports that was the issue... When changing to the standard port 80 & 443 all started to work. So firmware 2.7.199 runs indeed fine with Home Assistant. Next to this, I also installed a version of OpenHAB and also there was able to connect to the IHC installation... Now trying to make up my mind which I will continue to use... Home Assistant <> OpenHAB... -
Hi, I'm trying to integrate an IHC Visual 2 HW6.1 system running 2.7.199 into Home Assistant. I created an extra user in my IHC controller just for Home Assistant: user: HomeAssistant pass: Test (will change that when I get it working ;-) ) System is located at, but with ports 5010 & 5020, so need to that that along in the configuration... I integrated the following in configuration.yaml: ihc: - url: '' username: HomeAssistant password: Test auto_setup: true info: True But HomeAssistant runs into some problems and get 2 errors: First: Setup failed for ihc: Integration failed to initialize. 20:27:20 – setup.py (ERROR) Details: Logger: homeassistant.setup Source: setup.py:138 First occurred: 20:27:20 (1 occurrences) Last logged: 20:27:20 Setup failed for ihc: Integration failed to initialize. Second: Unable to read project from IHC controller 20:27:20 – ihc (ERROR) Details: Logger: homeassistant.components.ihc Source: components/ihc/__init__.py:281 Integration: ihc (documentation, issues) First occurred: 20:27:20 (1 occurrences) Last logged: 20:27:20 Unable to read project from IHC controller Any idea what is going on? Or is the fact my controller is still based on 2.7.199 the problem? (I had issues with 2.7.220, so went back to this 'stable' version) Thanks for any help...
Hi, I was able to quickly source a Visual 3 controller (as replacement for my failing Visual 2 HW6.1 controller), but I think I got a DOA... Fully installed the Visual 3 software, and when trying to connect to the Visual 3 controller I'm unable to. Firmware loader with the Visual 3 software does not seem to detect the controller. IHC Visual 3 sees a USB device that is responding to ping, but does not detect the controller... I also see the controller via, but also there it just responds to ping but is not detected... The controller is added under windows devices as Visual 3, so something seems to 'half' work, but unable to otherwisse connect / upgrade... Any idea/help...? I'm afraid this is a DOA and will need to ship back and get my money refunded...
Perhaps you can try to upload the 'factory reset' firmware: And then update with the normal firmware again...?
Hello, I am able to source a IHC Visual 3 Controller with the following reference: 820B1600 05 Is this a recent version of the IHC Visual 3 controller, as I think the 05 refers to the revision?
Thanks for the input... The installation has been running since 2007 with updates now and then on the programming, but have never encountered the issues I now have. So power seems not to be the issue as the hardware of the installation has not received expansion since 2007, so power consumption has never changed. The reboots also happen when the controller is disconnected from the network, so with the ethernet cable unplugged, so also does not seem to be an external communication issue. The visual program itself could be an issue, but in essence it is the same program that has been running for years without issue. What I could do is flash it with the 'factory reset' firmware and do a clean reinstall from the visual program from that state. (If this makes any sense at all?) I'm running out of options other than to just order a new Visual 3 Controller and a new power supply (just to be safe) Any other ideas ?????
Good to see the Visual 3 IHC is available in english. As I just found out my Visual 2 HW6.1 is on its last legs and rebooting every day with flikkering lights as a result and minutes of unresponsiveness... Any idea if the firmware (IHC Administrator, Serviceview,...) will also be in English?
Thanks! Does not seem that they have e-mail, so sent a short message on their contact page... Also found BilligIHC and lavprisel via internet, so sent them a message, but have no idea how supportive they may be???
Infernoken reacted to et svar på et spørgsmål: IHC Visual 2 - HW6.1 rebooting frequently
Hello, I have a IHC Visual 2 with HW6.1 (since 2007) that in the last days has started to reboot frequently. Light go out for a few seconds and then go back on, and the system is unresponsive during a few minutes (so during the reboot) When checking the IHC admin view, I can see the uptime is everytime only a few minutes, so this indicates a full reboot. System was running on 2.7.220 since a few months, but I already noticed it was becoming slow now and then... Since a few days I now have the frequent reboot issues and yesterday evening now downgraded the system to 2.7.148 (latest FW available in Belgium before the 2.7.220). Checking today, seems the system has again rebooted this morning, so does not seem to be solved. Any other things I could try? Or will I need to purchase a new Visual Controller ??? (As my current Visual 2 HW6.1 controller is from 2007, it may be starting to fail ???) If I would need to buy a new one, I would directly go for the Visual 3 controller. Any idea where a good place would be to source this and get it shipped to Belgium? (Would then also directly replace the power supply...)
Just for your information... The Belgian Schneider site has the IHC Visual in english: https://www.se.com/be/nl/partners/electricians/softwares-ihc-visual-2.8.jsp Visual: IHC Visual versie 2.8.6