De IHC-integratie in HA ondersteunt het afdekapparaat niet.
Kan iemand me helpen hoe ik een dekkingscontrole in HA kan configureren?
Ik heb de cover_template en HACS cover_time_based_synced al getest, maar het werkt niet.
heel erg bedankt
So strange:
IHC inputmodule connected to IHC outputmodule: OK
Arduino BasicOutput connected to IHC outputmodule: OK
Arduino BasicOutput connected to Arduino BasicInput: OK
IHC inputmodule connected to Arduino Basicinput: NOK
I'm lost...
I've succesfully created a modbus to IHC output converter, with the Basicoutput example.
Now I want to do the same for the input module, with the Basicinput example. The Basicinput code is loaded into an arduino, dataline from the input module connected to the arduino.
I get no readings from it when I change an input on the inputmodule.
Any tips? I think I'm doing something wrong. I'm sure the inputmodule works.
Yes, I know the work of Dingus.
He's creating Arduino input and output modules.
I want to do the opposite, controlling the output modules with an arduino.
Is there any information about connection inputmodules and outputmodules to an arduino?
I want to replace the controller but need to keep the input and outputmodules.
The idea was to program a modbus to ihc converter (or mqtt or another protocol). The modbus part of the arduino is easy, the ihc not.