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  1. First create a new String item called "VoiceCommands" or something like that. Then go to: openhab/paperui/index.html#/configuration/services?tab=voice and select the new String item called "VoiceCommands" Then you have to create a rule for each command in your rules folder, see https://www.openhab.org/docs/configuration/rules-dsl.html rule "Light kitchen" when Item VoiceCommands received command then val result = VoiceCommands.state.toString.toLowerCase if (result.contains("kitchen light on")) { GF_Kitchen_Light_Table.sendCommand(ON) } else if (result.contains("kitchen light off")) { GF_Kitchen_Light_Table.sendCommand(OFF) } end Here is a example off turning on and off my kitchen switch light. You can also use Rules in Paper UI, but it might be a little buggy because off lower and uppercase letters.
    1 point
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