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Login via USB failed




The last time I connected to my IHC Visual Controller has been years ago.

Since that time I have a new computer and I'm not able to connect to my controller anymore.

I've been testing for a week now: Windows 7, Windows 10, different versions of Java (6, 7 & 8), and the different versions of ICH-software (2.7.1, 2.7.1, 2.8).

But I still have the same problem:

When I go to usb/ I get the startpage of the controller.

  • I choose 'IHC Administrator' and try to login via USB (with the USB cable connected) 
  • I get the error: 'Login via USB failed'
  • When i check the version of the openend software (? About) I get/see 'Version 2.7.135'

I called the Schneider service desk from the Benelux, they told me to upgrade the controller frimware with the IHC Firmware Loader.

The Firmware Loader can unfortunately also not connect through USB, so I'm not able to upgrade.

The IHC components was installed in 2011 (March/May), so I think I have the 6.1 version.

What else can I do/try?

Reset the IHC Visual Controller (and how do I do that)


I don't have a backup of my config/project so I don't want to do a factory reset.

Thank you in advance

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17 svar på dette spørgsmål

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The login failed is a Java problem, which get fixed with firmware 2.8.4. There is a workaround described in the tread "java problemer igen igen igen"

The error IHC controller not detected but <USB> responds to ping has been seen if the firmware version and Visual version is misaligned.

Have you tried to use some of the older firmware uploader you can download here? If you want to upgrade a HW 6.1 controller to firmware 2.8.4 you need on of the older firmware loader without version check anyway.

LK do not support HW 6.1 anymore and latest firmware version is 2.7.220, but this one has several Java issues, and is generally considered pretty unstable. 2.7.199 is more stable, but have even more Java issues. There are workaround for all the known Java issues in the tread "java problemer igen igen igen"

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Hello Lars1,


thanks for the quick response.

> I've read the "Java problemer igen igen igen" topic, but I found nothing new that I didn't try (except with the javastarter, but that test gave the same result >> login via USB failed).

> I think I have firmware version 2.7.135, where can I find the Visual version that matches with this firmware version?

> I tried 'IHC Firmware Loader klient version 1.3.3' that I found here in the download section, but at step 1, the bar continious to load. Are there other FW loader on the site?



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1 time siden, Math skrev:

I tried 'IHC Firmware Loader klient version 1.3.3' that I found here in the download section, but at step 1, the bar continious to load. Are there other FW loader on the site?

Connect the PC and the Controller with USB.

Start Firmwareuploader.
Click "1 Tilslut"
Turn off the Power to the controller incl backup battery.
Wait 10 sec.
Turn on the power again.

Now some times the PC will connect at this way. Otherwice I have no idea sorry.


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2 timer siden, Math skrev:

Thanks Bjarne.

It worked:

  • start firmware loader
  • hit the 'Connect' (1) button
  • disconnected one of the power cables to the controller
  • waited 15 seconds
  • connect the power cable again
  • the firmware loader managed to connect to the controller

You made my day!!!


Great :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Glad that it works for You .

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På 25.2.2019 at 22:54 , Bjarne Sørensen skrev:

Great :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Glad that it works for You .


I just tried the same advice that Bjarne send earlier the year. The new firmware start to up load well, but at the end an error occur.  

Now the controller isn't working at all. And not accepting to up load any firmer.

Any advice here?

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Hi all,

I am new on the forum. I have a pretty old IHC 6.1, which worked well so far. I connected to the controller last time about a year ago.

I am trying to connect now, as I want to extend it a bit, and have the same message as Math reported above. I tried both via LAN and USB, and but always get the same message: Ihc controller not detected but <USB> responds to ping

I am able to change the firmware using the trick provided by Bjarne.

Was on firmware 2.7.200, tried 2.7.148, and then 2.7.199, but still the same message pops-up, and I cannot connect to the controller.

Can someone let me know which firmware I should install? Shall I install 2.8.4 although it is not made for HW 6.1 ? Or shall I move back to an older version?

Thanks for your help in advance


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How do you try to connect? Visual, AdminView, ServiceView or something else? If AdminView or ServiceView are you using IHC starter or similar? If not, the problem is most like Java encryption issues. The workaround is to use IHC starter or similar, or follow the guide line in the FAQ threads.

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Hi lars,

I'm trying to connect through Visual. tried several versions (2.8.4 and now 2.8.6)

I have finally managed to update the firmware to 2.8.4, which helps. At least, now I can connect via USB from Visual 2.8.6. That's a progress

All other methods kick me out (Adminview, ServiceView, ...) even through USB

I have tried to use IHCStarter, but it didn't find the controller, even when connected via USB. There has been some progress, but not quite there yet ;-)





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Indeed, I cannot go through LAN no matter which method I use. Both Visual and IHCStarter work on USB, but none through LAN.

I somehow managed to get the front page loaded once in my browser, but could never reproduce it. Always get this nice message after a while: "Hmmm… can't reach this page".

I even tried on a very old desktop, running old Java and Internet explorer, but still didn't work. Although this computer always allowed me to connect to the IHC Controller despite the known Java issues.

And when I ping the IP Address, all seems OK. No clue what is going on here... 

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I actually haven't changed the IP address. But restarted the controller anyway.

When I type the IP address in the browser, it reaches the front page. But none of the apps can be opened (SceneView, ServiceView, WebSceneView). I then get the message: "Hmmm… can't reach this page"

I tried to de-activate the anti-virus: no difference

When trying to connect with Visual, I always get the same message :


And IHCStarter doesn't manage to connect neither:


All work in USB though.

PS: I have tried on multiple PC's now, and it always gives the same result. 

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